While I was cleaning today I decided to thumb through my journal from Ghana, landing on the last page to see where I left off, I read about the attack. It made me mad. It made me tear up just a little bit. But then I thought to myself; wait a minute. Stop. Look at yourself. And I let those tears come. But those tears didn't come in pain or sadness, they ran down a face that was smiling because we WON. We were brutally attacked, but we survived and we were victorious over Satan and his stupid, evil, sneaky ways.
The moment I stepped foot back on American soil after living on the mountain-top in Ghana, and saw my husband's beautiful face (smiling from ear to ear) at the airport, Satan started to wriggle in. I was SO excited to see him after being away for 10 days. But Satan knew that if he timed things just right, he could wriggle his way in between us and start attacking our marriage. And it worked. For a couple of days, it worked. I withdrew from my husband, not entirely, but enough to give Satan room to get comfortable sitting in between us. I was scared, Satan used fear to get at me. I was scared that if I let myself get too close to my husband, then I would feel 'farther away' from Ghana and the relationships I had built there. Satan was telling me I couldn't have both. I couldn't experience the amazing God-Love of the relationships I built in Ghana and have an amazing marriage to my husband. I knew it was Satan, but I didn't know what to do about it.
So after some praying (LOTS of praying), some guidance from our amazing friends, the Garrets, and a lot of 'faking-it-to-make-it-even-though-I-didn't-feel-it' - it started to work. I drew nearer to my husband, relying on him for strength and love and knowing that those stupid lies Satan told me were just that - STUPID. My husband and I grew so much stronger in our marriage through the attack. We became much more communicative (which is saying a lot, because we communicated pretty well already), we became more in-tune to each others' spiritual realm and well... let's just say we made sure there wasn't any room for Satan to get between us anymore... literally. :)
And now it's 9 months later and we anxiously await the arrival of our little boy.
I googled it! Do I know the little man's name?????? And if it is it... One of my little men have that name too.. coincidence....???