September 14, 2014

Walk a Minute With Me

My Week in (iPhone) Photos: Day 1 - Sunday

Owen got a play date with this sweet girl while her mom & Bill made an airport run early this morning.  She appeared at our gate, getting dropped by her momma as I was cleaning the kitchen in the quiet of toddler-still-sleeping house.  He RAN out of his bedroom giddy with excitement when he found out she was here.  They shared some oatmeal then traipsed off to the playroom to get into the toys.
I, on the other hand... did this:
I solely blame my good friend (and housemate/host for a month on furlough) for this horrible, terrible, no-good decision to have a cookie with my morning coffee.  All.  Her.  Fault.
But ohmygosh it was good.  

{church was supposed to happen about HERE, but the vehicle we were going to take decided not to start at the last minute... so we stayed home and played more instead}

It was time to walk her home after lots of playtime and lunch - and it was a gorgeous day for it! I love how calm & quiet our street is, and it's nice that friends live just a couple blocks away!

Once O was down for his nap I decided to toss some leftover coffee and ice into the blender for a frothy iced beverage.  It was AH.mazing.

Once I was fueled up I took on some planning.  Although it was more like 30% planning for my week and 70% helping Bill plan for kindergarten.  I'm okay with that.  And he cleaned the kitchen in appreciation.  Bonus.

When the bear woke up he got to work on some of his puzzles.  He's really getting good at the more advanced puzzles where the pieces have to fit together (like the middle section) as opposed to where the shapes are pre-cut out (like the outer edge of this puzzle).

After a few puzzles and more planning, I remembered I'd forgotten to feed the dogs.  Thankfully, we only feed the dogs on Sunday because our night guard does it the rest of the week. Yes, those are tiny little fish you see floating in the ugali (porridge) I was cooking. Who's hungry? 
(Notice how I made that picture bigger?  Yea, thought you'd want a close-up.  Just being considerate.)

Then I made us human-folk some dinner.  Chicken burgers on toasted sesame buns with roasted parmesan zucchini.  It was pretty amazing if-I-do-say-so-myself.  

Sunday nights we almost always try to live stream with our peeps at Freedom House. Sometimes it works great, sometimes it's bearable, sometimes it freezes every two seconds and it sounds like Pastor Troy either a) has a really, really bad stutter,  b) has a horrible short-term memory and forgets what he was saying, inducing a long pause every three words or c) BOTH of those.  Tonight was the latter.  We gave up watching after the welcome.  :(

And thus begins my challenge to myself to let you walk with me through a {pretty} typical week here in Moshi, captured in photos on my phone.  Hope you've enjoyed today's installment, stay tuned (internet permitting) for Monday's! 

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