In case you didn't know...
We're going back to Africa.
Like before-the-end-of-April-soon.
Waiting (for God to reveal the details)
Wait. I think I used that one already.
Here's what we (are pretty sure we) know:
It will just be the three of us.
It will be a short trip - 2 weeks, max.
A lot will be revealed on this trip.
Here's what we know for sure - 100%:
God's given us a heart for missions, and one day we'll live in Africa.
God has told us this is when we are to go - before O turns two.
God doesn't give us dreams, or make us promises and then flee the scene.
He's got this.
We've given it to him.
And (as of yesterday, I know, slackers in that area, but we did it!) we trust him completely - 100% with his plan for this next trip.
Just in case you didn't know...
now you do.
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