Day 3 was spent at the Batterson house hanging out with Owen's aunt, uncle, cousins & grandparents! He had a lot of fun playing with the presents they got him, reading books with them and crawling around all over the place!

Cousins Cody, Gracie & Analise................. & Aunt Kim!
Day 4 was a day for us to recouperate (mostly Owen) and lay low. We spent some time together as a family just hanging out at the house, going to the mall and grabbing some lunch at Olga's - a yummy restaurant we don't have in the south. That afternoon I had a photoshoot scheduled, but it didn't end up working out with the early sunset and some scheduling issues, so we just stopped by for a quick hello... and Owen got to meet and pet his first ever lizzard! He thought it was the coolest thing!

Practicing his goalie skills!

Just checking to make sure the griptape is on good. :)

All my little siblings with my son... weird!

Giggling with grammie
My other little brother Nick.. who was a day away from 20 when this was taken!
After lunch Owen got in some gator-wrastlin' while we finished packing.

"Hey guys, wanna play some more hockey?"

Helping cousin Sarah figure out her camera :)
Pretty sure he thought there was a baby trapped in there, he kept giving it 'kisses'.
Cousins! Carey, Andy, James & Sarah - the best hosts ever!
Sunrise over the Carolina mountains on the way home!
Loved the smoke stack... so industrial looking

So that was our trip! We had a blast and it was great seeing all our family... next time we're definitely going back in the summer! We're excited to take Owen to Binder Park Zoo, hang out at the lake I grew up on, and of course Lake Michigan!
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