After four days of kidney pain, I decide it's time for my first trip to the clinic.
A friend comes to get me from school and we arrive at the clinic around 11:15.
I go to the reception and ask to create a file, she flips through a stack of ripped cardboard 'cards' about the size of a post-it note. Hands me one with the number 28 and asks me to sit.
We spot a bench in the back, with just enough space for the two of us to sit and wait. In front of us are four rows of seats, various sizes and types, with about 5-6 chairs in each row. Each one filled. Adjacent to us it's the same picture, creating two groups of chairs with an aisle between. Behind us, through the wall we lean on are the offices of two doctors. In front of us is a third doctor's office, the reception, which is right next to the dawa (pharmacy) which is a glassed-in room about 6sq. feet.
To my left there are windows and a porch where there are more seats, also all filled with people waiting to see the doctor. We are the only two wazungus in sight.